AMA Recommends Chiropractic Before Resorting to Surgery
The Journal of the American Medical Association and Chiropractic
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently published an article regarding back pain, with an intent to educate the public about its causes, symptoms and treatment options. Written by Dr. Dr. Denise M. Goodman, MD., Alison E. Burke, MA., and Dr. Edward H. Livingston, MD., the article suggests patients try chiropractic care for the treatment of low back pain. According to the article, surgery is not usually needed and should only be considered if more conservative therapies fail. This recommendation reinforces what the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) teaches patients as well. Chiropractic should be the first line of defense against musculoskeletal pain.
With reference to AMA’s recommendation, ACA President Dr. Keith Overland said in an interview: “We are encouraged to see JAMA suggest patients try chiropractic and other more conservative types of treatment for their back pain. In many cases pain can be alleviated without the use of unnecessary drugs or surgery, so it makes sense to exhaust conservative options first. Research confirms that the services provided by chiropractic physicians are not only clinically effective but also cost-effective, so taking a more conservative approach at the onset of low back pain can also potentially save both patients and the health care system money down the line.”
Further Studies Show Chiropractic Saves Patients From Surgery
A recent study was conducted by a collaboration of prestigious institutions, including Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College, University of Washington School of Public Health, University of Washington School of Medicine, Ohio State University College of Public Health and the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. What did the study reveal? “In total, 42.7 percent of workers who initially visited a surgeon underwent surgery, in contrast to only 1.5 percent of those who first consulted a chiropractor,”
An additional study, “Health Maintenance Care in Work-Related Low Back Pain and Its Association with Disability Recurrence,” (Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; 4.1.2011) also examined chiropractic care for occupational back injuries and found similar outcomes. The study reported for work-related nonspecific low back pain, chiropractic care was associated with a lower disability recurrence, when compared to treatment by other medical interventions. Overall, chiropractic patients illustrated consistently better outcomes, less use of opioids, and had fewer surgeries, with lower medical expenses.
Success Story: How Glenn Avoided Back Surgery with Chiropractic
Don’t Be a Back Pain Statistic
Part of correcting the problem of back pain is knowing what works and what doesn’t. The latest research study published by the orthopedic journal Spine demonstrates how effective chiropractic care can be for back pain. If you live in Augusta GA and suffer from back pain, contact our friendly staff at Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic for a complimentary, private consultation. With our back-pain-specific treatments, we have significantly helped a range of back pain sufferers with their condition. If you would like to get started today with experienced chiropractors in Augusta GA, call our friendly office at (706) 814-5053 or schedule your appointment online. We look forward to seeing if our results-oriented treatments are the right fit for you and your condition.
The Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic Blog is written by Dr. Mark Huntsman.
Augusta GA Chiropractor Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic provides customized chiropractic care. Visit our main website at for a chiropractor in Augusta GA and a chiropractor in Evans GA that specializes in customized treatments.
You can schedule your appointment by calling our friendly staff at (706) 814-5053 or use our online form.
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